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11:11 Access to Your Soul

Nov 7, 2024 | 0 comments

During your Spiritual Awakening, the mind becomes aware of sacred symbols and numerical patterns, noticing digital sequences such as 11:11 or 12:12. When you see alchemical symbols it triggers DNA cellular encodings. The number 11 symbolizes the evolving double helix into the sacred union of male/female synergy, balance and harmony’.

When you see and connect to 11:11, your energy aligns with Gaia’s Ascension Timeline. 11:11 is a reminder of your original Soul mission as a Light Leader, as a New Earth Wayshower. This will be the first time 11:11 is active in the new Ascension Gates.

The 11:11 number sequence acts as a magnification of the illumination effect that has been increasing since 2012. This year has been another powerful breakthrough year, similar to 2012 in its life-changing importance. A great unveiling is occurring, revealing where we still are disconnected from Soul presence. 11:11 is the symbol of Spiritual Awareness. We are becoming more aware of our divine self, purpose and destiny.

On Monday, November 11, the 11:11 Gateway will light up, alive with Ascension energies.  On this esoteric event, the sacred Ascension codes will interact with the neural network in the brain and multi-dimensional DNA to access higher dimensions of Spirit. 11 is a ‘master number’ that catalyzes spiritual breakthroughs. 11:11 is activating the Master Alchemist within.

The 11:11 Gateway event provides an opportunity for you to join others around the world, to flood the Field with Love and Light consciousness. You are here at this momentous time to infuse divine Light, to Beam, to Glow, to share your Light everywhere. You are being called to spread Light into the collective, where others are still entangled with the dark web, the old Atlantean control matrix. Shine your Light Bright!

Step into the 11:11 Gateway and dissolve the distortion veils the two earthly Timelines…so all souls on Gaia can experience the New Earth Ascension Timeline in union with the ‘heart’ of their Soul. This Monday’s 11:11 Gateway is a powerful seed moment for birthing your Soul Blueprint in your Role as a Guiding Light in the New Earth.

Lovingly, Meg






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