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11:11 Gateway Global Activations

Oct 24, 2020 | 0 comments

I was inspired to offer my first Global Gateway Meditation on 11-11-2011, a momentous portal activation of light purification in the planetary collective. At that time, we were just thrilled to be AWAKE and reconnecting with the galactic Family of Light. It was a day of love, joy and heart-filled bliss! The Lightworkers had arrived at the gateway to accelerated ascension.

It only happens once a year, when the 11:11 Gateway opens to higher, ascended realms. In numerology, 11 signifies Mastership level. When we are touched by the 11:11 Ascension codes, we are awakening to the Master of Light that we are. The powerful gateway activations in November and December are preparing us to enter the era of Aquarius.

As you enter the cosmic 11:11 Gateway portal, you connect to the future ‘Ascended You’ in zero point, in the infinite Now. It is a powerful seed moment for activating your divine Soul’s ascension life plan. The incoming photonic plasma waves from the galactic center affect Gaia’s magnetic fields, the position of the poles, the climate and weather, and the ‘hive mind’ programming. When the dense magnetic layers dissolve and shift, quantum consciousness can flow in.

Join other Light Bearers, Gridworkers, and Star Beings from all around the world, as we gather on November 11th for the 11:11 Gateway Global Activations. Step into the 11:11 portal and meet your future Ascended Master Soul. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, FREE registration click here:

Lovingly, Meg


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