Global Reboot is Coming!

Global Reboot is Coming!

As the year of self-empowerment comes to a close, 2024 prepared us with more inner stamina, strength, courage and drive to forge ahead and create the lives we desire. Now that the Ascension Gates are fully open and active, we are crossing the threshold into the next...
New Year’s Reset

New Year’s Reset

What makes 2025 so momentous? During the year all outer planets will be at 0° in new signs. In astrology, the outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These planets are known as the “generational planets” because they are slow-moving...
2025’s Zero Degree Reset

2025’s Zero Degree Reset

In the final days of 2024, you may feel a quieting, a calming, a pause for reflection on the past year. As we move through the Circle of Life, there are poignant moments of review. Before we enter a new phase, we reflect on past life experiences, challenges and...
Solstice Activations

Solstice Activations

In just hours we celebrate the annual Solstice on Saturday, December 21st at 9:20 UTC (1:21am PT). It is the sacred day we welcome the return of Light in the northern hemisphere. Much has been unlocked since the 12:12 activations. Let’s gather in the Ascension Gates...

Solstice Yule Mystical Ritual

As we move towards the end of the year and Solstice Yuletide, an interdimensional doorway opens to the universe. When we cross the threshold, we enter the mystical domain of spirit, the sensory field of awe and wonder. It is a powerful day to make an altar, light a...
12:12 Galactic Activations

12:12 Galactic Activations

In just hours the 12:12 Ascension gateway opens directly to the spiraling galactic vortex located at 27° Sagittarius. This powerful alignment amplifies the shimmering galactic Ascension Gates at Giza, Mt. Shasta and Glastonbury. 12:12 is AA Metatron’s unique energy...