According to the Cosmic Ascension Plan that AA Metatron is orchestrating, 2024 is the year Ascension becomes physical. Up until this year, the Ascension process was moving through the higher levels, working its way into the spiritual, mental and emotional bodies…clearing away lifetimes of stuck pain and suffering from disconnection.
The physical phase of the Cosmic Plan was set into motion on December 12, 2019…a life-changing 12:12:12 Ascension activation. On this day, the bifurcation of the two global timelines commenced, initiating a world-wide pandemic ‘healing crisis’. During the Shutdown, the world came to a halt, withdrawing from external stimulation, noise and distraction. It was a pause in stillness!
The global pause provided an opportunity for everyone to turn within, to reflect and review, look beneath the surface. To deal with stuff. To process buried trauma. To face the fears! The Cosmic Plan created an opening to choose the new future timeline.
For it is in the quiet stillness, the null-zone pulse of zero point, that you can unlock your mind from the matrix simulation and consciously choose to shift into the new Ascension Timeline. The world is receiving galactic support as we transition from living in a dark global web of mental/emotional fear programming and the collective frequency fence of time density.
Recent solar X-Flares and geo storms have increased during solar maximum, spreading galactic plasma waves into the planetary field, flushing to the surface deeply hidden unconscious energies. The cosmic pressure release is helping you ‘purge’ any remaining toxic sludge/karma/ego/entanglement with the global control matrix. 2024 is the ‘breakthrough year’ that is forging a ‘fresh start’ in the Ascension timeline.
New studies in quantum science theorize that black holes are less like holes and more like tunnels, passageways or interdimensional gateways. As an angelic guardian of Gateways, I’ve been called since 2012 to clean, clear and prepare certain earth chakra portals for the activation of Ascension Gates. These are stellar doorways opening between the realms for incoming Ascension energies to infuse Gaia’s field and transform our physical realities.
As one cycle closes, the universe opens the gates for a different future outcome. This is the first time in our lives that 11:11 will activate in the new Ascension Gates. On November 11, I will be leading global activations. Step into the new Ascension Gates with me!
We are entering the powerful year-end cosmic events occurring between Nov 11 and Dec 24. The galactic Light is illuminating the upcoming interdimensional portals. Mark your calendar…I will be guiding gateway activations on each of these dates:
1) 11-11 Ascension Gateway
2) 11-19 Pluto enters Aquarius till 2043
3) 12-12 Galactic Center Gateway
5) 12-21 Solstice Gateway
We are entering the New Age of Empowerment! It is a potent time for laying new seeds or groundwork for future growth and development. Let’s end 2024 with a Bang!
Lovingly, Meg