In just one power-packed month the cosmos has blessed us with three eclipse gateways…June 5th, June 20th and July 5th. The third and final eclipse is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on July 5, 2020 at 13º Capricorn. Not only does this complete the powerful eclipse series but is also the final eclipse on the Cancer/Capricorn nodal axis that began in 2018. As one cycle comes to completion, another cycle begins.
Lunar eclipses tap into the hidden subconscious, influencing the emotional environment for release of psychic energy, creating a course-correction. What are you holding onto that does not serve you? This Full Moon Eclipse will provide the necessary purging to begin a new cycle.
As the timelines continue to shift and morph, it creates a sense of uncertainty within us. We don’t have all the answers now. Time as we knew it is dissolving. During this reset point, it may feel like living in a Void. We are being called to navigate a path of uncertainty, a path that is morphing with us. It is the transfiguration from carbon to crystalline, the transference of energies into a more cohesive reality in unity consciousness.
As we travel along this shifting path of light, we can rely on our divine Soul presence and guidance. Our Souls designed an ascension blueprint for this very time. Our Souls knew we would be ‘weightless’ as we shifted from one timeline to the next. We are provided an ascension blueprint that will support our transfiguration. It acts like a roadmap with steps forward into the unknown. The Soul blueprint will take us to our destiny point. We are not rudderless. It was all planned before we incarnated during this pivotal time in history.
Do daily check-ins with your Soul presence in your heart. Go into the silence and tune into your heart’s calling. Your Soul blueprint will guide you in every step of the plan. It is not mental, but an empathic sense of ‘next steps’. We may not see the entire bigger picture, but we can feel our way towards the Light. It may seem like the world is collapsing around us, but our path is well lit, illuminating our way into higher dimensional consciousness. Follow your heart! Follow your blueprint, you cannot make a wrong step. You are divinely guided!
The South Node Eclipse on July 5th has a positive, optimistic influence to step outside your comfort zone and try something new. As old constructs continue to collapse, it is a great time to break unhealthy habits, resolve relationship conflicts and start new routines. Shed the distractions, the denials, the energy drains. We are in a global reset, now is the time to purge and prepare for the awakening of a new earth reality.
Join other Earth Keepers, Gridworkers and Star Beings all around the world as we gather on July 5th to seed our personal and global intentions to birth our New 5D Earth. We will perform healing activations during our Lunar Eclipse Gateway gathering. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, register here:
Lovingly, Meg