The Equinox Gateway is gradually opening this week. In just a few days we will gather together on Sunday, March 20th and work in the zero point portal at 0° Aries. We are celebrating the cosmic moment when night and day are nearly the same length all over the world. It is a rare zero point moment of infinite possibilities.
In the null-zone pulse of zero point, you can unlock your mind from the controlling virtual reality and quantum shift into the New Earth Timeline. In the stillness of the moment, the quiet, calm balance-point, you utilize the vacuum affect to draw Soul deep inside and be nourished. As your crystalline genetics awaken within, your spiritual vessel evolves into an interdimensional home for all aspects of Self. During the Equinox Gateway activation, you are integrating myriad aspects of Self into ONEness. The cosmic energies ramp up all week.
If you have been tracking the rare and powerful Venus – Mars conjunction, the personal planets are the closest in the sky today (March 16), just 3.9° apart in Aquarius. As the planets of lovers, passion, and sacred union light up the field, you may be noticing your own issues coming to your awareness. We are still experiencing the ripple effects of Venus/Mars/Pluto conjunction at 27° Capricorn (occurred March 3) in our personal energy and in the collective field. There has been continual purging of both shadow masculine and shadow feminine, preparing the way for more balanced, unified yin/yang energies in our lives and in the world.
The Full Moon at 27° Virgo arrives on March 17/18 in a positive alignment with Pluto, enhancing true love and magic. Imagine living in an open-hearted world! The cosmos forge a love portal this week, as we glimpse an alternative world that thrives on loving kindness. This gateway provides access to Sunday’s Aries Equinox balancing energies. Under this cosmic alignment, current world events are compelling a wave of compassion and support to fellow earthlings in harm’s way. We are in the midst of historical shifts into unity consciousness!
Passionate love relationships intensify as Venus conjunct Mars move into a square with Uranus in Taurus on March 19th. Now is the time to shed the layers of dysfunctional patterns and beliefs, habits and behaviors that limit, block or destroy love in your life. There is no other path to choose from. All roads lead to heart-healing and Love infusion. As we heal and mend the broken heart, our capacity for compassion and loving action increases. Under this week’s astro-alignments, we are being called to rise and risk full open hearts.
Recent solar plasma storms have spread through the magnetic field, flushing to the surface deeply hidden unconscious energies. The molecular purging can be exhausting. All ascension activity leads to Sunday’s Equinox, amplified by the Virgo Full Moon. The galactic veils are starting to dissolve in the powerful inflow of cosmic Light.
The Aries Equinox on March 20 encourages you to weave more balance in yourself and in the world. As the Sun enters 0° Aries, the Equinox initiates a balancing act between forces of light and dark at zero point. The Full Moon forms a Grand Earth Trine with Pluto in Capricorn and the North Node of Fate in Taurus. A new season arrives, a new 12-month astro cycle begins, and a new divine relationship template activates. The love portal is leading the world into a new future!
Join other New Earth Wayshowers, Master Alchemists and Star Beings from all around the world on Sunday, March 20, as we spread more balance and peace around the world. Experience quantum time-jumping with AA Metatron into the galactic realm of unity consciousness. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, register here:
Lovingly, Meg