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Heart Health

Aug 12, 2020 | 0 comments

During the final hours of the Lionsgate portal, we are still being blessed with the galactic superwave of heart expansion. There is a tectonic shift happening in the field, as our hearts fill with more compassion and concern for the wellbeing of all life on this planet. Lionsgate transmitted the frequency of Leo’s brave heart so that we can support the global changes occurring.

Leo the Lion rules the heart with courage and strength. Since 8-8, the Lionsgate opened the ‘Universal Heart’ to all.  There are lifetimes of heart wounding being triggered for healing this year. As the heart expands it unlocks deep core wounds to be acknowledged and healed with gentle, loving compassion. We are clearing the past, so that the future New Earth can assimilate. The Lionsgate superwave ushers in the ‘Universal Heart’ field for all to live in joy!

When the wounded heart cries out, it is a call to action! We must step in and offer love and compassion to ourselves first, filling the emptiness inside and sourcing our own supply of Love energy. Once we decide we are worth loving, we actively fill our hearts with nurturing Love. Then the heart begins to heal, mend and regenerate.

It is the healthy heart that acts as the bridge to 5D consciousness. The 5th dimension is a ‘feeling field’. The Love frequency in your heart opens the gateway to your 5th dimensional timeline. From this exalted 5th dimensional state of heart/mind coherence, you are now capable of living an authentic expression of your Soul truth.

We will devote an entire global meditation to heart health and bridging into 5D. We are the New Earth Emissaries! We require strong, healthy hearts to shift this world into unity consciousness. Star Regulus, the ‘Heart of the Lion’, is moving into Virgo and preparing a brave heart for the Equinox in September.

Join other Earth Keepers, Gridworkers and Star Beings all around the world as we gather for global healing with the Heart Health Global Activations on Saturday, August 29th. We will perform healing activations and global intentions for heart health during our gathering. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, register here:

Lovingly, Meg


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