Arriving this Friday, April 19th at 4:12am PDT is the second consecutive Libra Full Moon at 29°, also known as the full Pink Moon symbolizing spring in full bloom. The first Libra Full Moon occurred a month ago at 0°, initiating a zero point portal of new beginnings and extraordinary timeline clearings. The zero point void is where matter and anti-matter merge to create new realities.
The pendulum swing of Libra scales is alternating between the old regime and the new earth paradigm. What was holding on at zero degrees is now reaching a climactic shift into new opportunities, new consciousness at 29 degrees. As you clear and heal old core wounds, you are moving into a spiritual breakthrough. I’ve broken 2 glasses the past week, always a sign of breaking through a frequency threshold. Not only does the full Pink Moon represent spring vitality but it signifies a new level of global awakening from deep slumber.
The Libra Full Moon also moves into opposition with Uranus conjunct the Sun, triggering unexpected changes and disruptions, as well as electrifying nervous stimulation. You may feel a strong impulse to break free of boring routines. Libra the balancer assists the re-shuffling of out-of-balance systems, patterns and goals. Allow the cosmic reset to flush away the dross as you embrace your Soul’s life plan and purpose.
With three consecutive Full Moons at zero degrees since the New Year, humanity is being encouraged to start fresh, tune into intuition and embrace the feminine (lunar) energies rising. Libra is ruled by Venus and is the sign of Love. As we heal the original wound of separation, the heart mends and expands with more unconditional Love…Love for self and Love for others.
With Chiron in fiery Aries, the purification flames spread into dark shadowy spaces, assisting the demise of the patriarchy. Just hours ago news broke of the fire engulfing the Notre Dame (Our Lady) Cathedral in Paris. The divine feminine cannot be stopped. With Venus and Lilith currently in Pisces and the scales of justice (Libra) ruled by Venus in the full Pink Moon, we witness the return of the Magdalene lineage.
Join Manette and myself with Earth Keepers, Gridworkers and Star Beings all around the world, as we work with the divine feminine power of the Libra Full Pink Moon on Saturday, April 20th at 12pm PDT. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, register here:
Lovingly, Meg
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