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New Year Global Meditation

Jan 16, 2025 | 0 comments

The year has taken off with a bang! I’m already exhausted and it’s only been 2 weeks in 2025. So, needless to say, we are in for a wild ride! As a quantum healer, I’ve learned not to leave life to chance. We have more influence than we realize. The power of the human holographic mind is infinite!

With the famous quote in mind, “where focus goes, energy flows”, let’s start this new year with laser focused intentions. With singular focus, our visions and intentions stream into the quantum field to materialize. When we come together with united group focus, the intentions exponentially amplify in waves throughout the field.

Our job is not to sink into fear, but radiate Light all around the world. You are the Light Leaders of the Ascension! Every month we gather and pierce the field with loving hearts, clear minds and empowered intentions for peace, harmony and happiness. Our New Year Global Meditation is on Saturday, January 18 at 12pm Pacific. Sign up if you are called to influence the future of humanity! Sign up here:

Lovingly, Meg


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