If it seems like the world flew off the rails this week, we can attribute some of the insanity to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn as it enters the collective consciousness. This life-altering astrology is ramping up in 2019 and will reach full power on January 12th, 2020 when Saturn and Pluto will be exact for the first time in earthly Capricorn.
Pluto is the planet of extremes! When alchemical Pluto shows up in life, expect more change and transformation with evolutionary powers of creation and destruction. Whatever the ego holds onto, Pluto will encourage letting go of.
On a global level, the United States is now experiencing a Pluto Return in Capricorn. It is a volatile time of retribution and restructuring. Everything is coming to a head as the polarized forces are holding on in desperation. Remaining stuck in either extreme will only intensify pain and suffering. As a species, we are being guided to move into zero point, the unifying balancer of All That Is.
The wheel of progress stops for no one. When immersed in the refiner’s fire, most people become overwhelmed and want to check out and be unconscious. We are more served to remain conscious, present, balanced, centered and create an energy field that feels safe, loving, nurturing and contained during these volatile times. Otherwise the collective chaos will suck you in, disconnect you and drop your vibration.
2019 is the year for Lightworkers to prepare – to get grounded, stabilized, tune inwards, focus on deep clearing, core wound healing and pull away from the polarized insanity. We are the anchor points of Light, the ground troops supporting Gaia’s ascension. The two worlds are pulling apart, as Gaia ascends into higher dimensional consciousness.
You always have a free will choice – you are either conscious or unconscious. Under the Pluto influence, you can either feel powerless or take action to become Soul empowered. Take your power back! This is the time to step into your Soul’s shoes and walk the ascension path.
We are reaching the final phase of Gaia’s quantum leap into the New Earth. Carve out some time for inner meditation and reflection, connect with more conscious, self-aware souls, join groups, share the evolution and build the Community of Light. Join Manette and myself with Earth Keepers, Gridworkers and Star Beings all around the world, as we work with the Ascension Waves of enlightenment.
We will be broadcasting the Libra Lunar Global Activations on Saturday, April 20th at 12pm PDT. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, register here: https://newearthcentral.com/?p=209182
Lovingly, Meg
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