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Pluto’s Aquarian Age

Nov 14, 2024 | 0 comments

As we move towards the annual year-end Ascension Gateways of 12:12 and 12:21, the field is alive with anticipation. There is palpable energy that something BIG is happening. You can feel it in your bones. It feels like an ending and a new beginning occurring. One scene fades out as the next scene electrifies the global stage. The old era is completing as the new era emerges as something completely different.

The new Ascension Gates are now anchored, active and alive into the earth plane. New Ascension energies are flowing in through the Gates into the Field. The Cosmic Ascension Timeline is activated for all Beings on planet earth. Now you are free to enter and exit the earth plane through the new Ascension Gates, to return to your Soul’s Homestar & Soul Cluster.

While the 11:11 Gateway Activations still ripple in the Field, we are preparing for the final astro shift of Pluto into Aquarius on Tuesday, November 19, 2024. This has been a Breakthrough Year, similar in magnitude to 2012. Pluto’s ingress to Aquarius is the most important astrological shift of 2024 and one of the most significant of the decade.

Pluto has been working its way through Capricorn since 2008, rocking fixed hierarchal institutions around the world. Pluto reveals the unconscious, neglected shadow and hidden issues with power dynamics and power grabs. Pluto rules plutocrats at the top tier of the hierarchy. Pluto has been shifting back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius for some time, finally settling in Aquarius on November 19, 2024 through March 8, 2043.

During the final days as Pluto digs into 29° Capricorn, we see the ripple effect disrupt the ‘seats of power’ with the rise and fall of institutional regimes. Pluto takes 248 years to make one revolution around the sun. The last Pluto transit from Capricorn to Aquarius occurred between 1762 and 1778. During this period in history was the fall of King George III in Britain, the French Revolution and fall of King Louis XVI in France, and the rise of the new Republic of United States. Keep an eye on what is completing and birthing in the planetary field.

Since 2008, you may have experienced Pluto in Capricorn highlighting your own vulnerabilities, distorted patterns and behavior with personal power or lack of responsibility. Where did you avoid, deflect or deny personal power and accountability? Pluto has been refining your ability to live in integrity and authenticity as a divine, empowered Being. I keep hearing my Higher Self nudging me to ‘Own my Role’! Be prepared to level-up to greater capacity of Soul embodiment and expression in the new era!

The United States’ first Pluto Return started in 2022, an astrological event that occurs when Pluto returns to the same position it was in when the country was born on July 4, 1776. Pluto is the slowest-moving planet in our solar system, taking 242–248 years to orbit the zodiac.

Pluto’s return is said to expose what’s rotten, weak, and corrupt in a country, and to bring about change. When Pluto returns to its natal position, it must psychically renew itself. On some level the archetype dies…and then is reborn.

On Tuesday, November 19 Pluto moves into 0° Aquarius, the zero point void, in a much anticipated system reset. We enter a new era! The last time Pluto moved through Aquarius in 1778-1798 was a time of tumultuous revolution. During Pluto’s previous transit, the French Revolution and American Revolution was led by citizen unrest striving to break free from oppressive monarchies, unhealthy living conditions, rampant poverty, and imbalanced power systems. The Aquarian peoples’ revolutions established new republics. Sound familiar? Will this be a revolution of consciousness?

The Great Wheel of Time turns again, as a new revolving global cycle begins. We either align with the circular movement of revolutionary progress or stubbornly hold onto the past and physical status quo. Many are insisting on going backwards, demanding total destruction of the current system! I hold the vision of a higher, conscious, mature approach that is not primal, brute devastation. We can transform our world working together, envisioning and creating New Earth communities, companies, organizations, and conscious lifestyles.

Stripping away the old, outdated past is never easy or comfortable. Shedding dead skins and suffocating layers of density is required action. Maintaining daily spiritual practice is essential. All life on Gaia is being buffeted by the cosmic realignment. It requires a greater understanding of the molecular transformation occurring, the process of unification. Becoming quantum beings involves the dissolution of magnetic time buffers that separate the wave-particle, the physical and spiritual realm.

Pluto’s entry into the Aquarian Age is considered a significant event that can signal a shift in how people view progress, social structures, and collective change. Aquarius is an air sign associated with innovation, equality, and revolution. Some astrologers believe that Pluto’s return to Aquarius could lead to a new wave of societal transformation.

Here are some highlights of Pluto in Aquarius:

Express deeper feelingsSpeak your Truth

Instead of avoiding or fearing deeper thoughts and feelings, try to find ways to discuss and express your Soul’s truth with others.

Plan a system upgrade

If something in your life feels like it no longer works, is part of the old Atlantean hierarchal system, you may need to change. Start planning the first steps of a system upgrade. Pull out of the top-down power system and into the New Earth circular operating system.

Take on a bigger role

You might be challenged to take on a bigger Role, acknowledge the powerful Soul that is you or do work you’ve never imagined before.

It has been an extraordinary year of massive shifts, adjustments, and realignments into the new circular operating system. Many of you are actively, consciously navigating the new Ascension Timeline. It is a profound experience to participate in. As you complete one phase, you segue into a higher level of awareness, consciousness and Soul truth. It is a stair-step process of uncovering, healing, transmuting and clearing density from the human vessel to enhance greater Soul embodiment.

It can be challenging to live through such a volatile, shifting transition from one Era to the next. Planetary power is gradually shifting away from dictators and autocrats (Capricorn) to the people, community, and collaboration (Aquarius). Keep your eye on the goal. We are working together to flood the collective field with loving kindness, compassion and world peace for all life on the planet.

Join me in the new Ascension Gates on Tuesday, November 19 as Pluto moves into 0° Aquarius. Let’s ignite the Aquarian Age with our visions, intentions and heart’s desires for a smooth transition, a revolution of consciousness, birthing the New Earth. This is a powerful ‘seed moment’ in zero point power. Let’s fill the Field and set into motion our new lives in the Ascension Timeline.

Lovingly, Meg


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