Why has 2024 been such an impactful year? In some ways, this year has been more influential than momentous 2012. In Numerology, 2024 is an “8” year dealing with power issues. During the ‘8’ Year of the Dragon, we’ve become more aware of what vibrates with empowerment, leadership, and confidence and what limits or drains personal power. This ‘8’ Year provided the opportunity to develop a deeper sense of self-empowerment.
2024 shined a spotlight on the levels of available power you experience within your being and out in the world. In esoteric terms, your power is your Light! How much Soul Light can you access and radiate? Are you Soul-sourcing, beaming like the brilliant star that you are?
As Pluto completed in Capricorn, entering Aquarius on November 19, there is a collective shift occurring in the global power system. Pluto reveals what hides in the shadows, the dark influence of corrupt power. An endless stream of ‘revelations’ fill the media with stories of rampant greed, fraud, and criminal power grabs. Pluto sends shock waves throughout the underworld as the dark hierarchy is losing power.
Now in Aquarius, Pluto stirs the collective depths of despair of disempowerment. A system that you are dependent on, will enslave you. Civil unrest, resentment and rage swells to a breaking point. The last time Pluto dwelled in Aquarius from 1778-1798, the French and American Revolutions erupted. We are seeing signs of people’s protests around the world.
There is a collective shift ensuing from being dependent on external power sources, driven by ego, into building your own internal Soular power source free of all external dependencies. This is liberating! When you pull your power out of the global matrix system, you can resupply your inner wellspring with Soular empowerment. You are becoming an Independent Soul-sourcing force field.
When the majority pull their power out of the hierarchal patriarchy, it will collapse. We’ve been living in an artificially induced reality that is run by a corrupt hierarchy. Since the Fall of Atlantis and ET invasion, the astral entry-exit gates have been destroyed, locking down earth’s borders. All souls were forced to agree to participate in the global control matrix system to enter the earth plane. Since the Fall of Atlantis, earth-bound souls have been trapped in the reincarnation cycle, tearing them away from their galactic homestar. Common amongst Starseeds are deep feelings of disconnection, abandonment and aloneness.
During Pluto’s death-rebirth cycle, the original wound of separation requires healing and resolution. Pluto highlights the hidden wounds, the shards of incarnational trauma, the gaping holes of deprivation. Pluto in Aquarius initiates restoration of inner power, within the collective community of collaboration. By the very nature of reconnection to the greater whole, you heal and transcend the wounds of separation.
Pluto in Aquarius ignites the next phase of the Cosmic Ascension! The death-rebirth cycle of Resurrection comes alive in the new crystalline Ascension Gates at Giza, Mount Shasta and Glastonbury. All is being provided so you can exit the matrix lockdown and liberate yourself within the Ascension Gates.
On December 12, the 12:12 Gateway opens directly to the spiraling galactic vortex at 27° Sagittarius. During this powerful alignment, the galactic zero point waves thin the veils, illuminating the Ascension Timeline and shimmering Gates. My Soul is an angelic guardian Walkin, my mission is a Matrix Breaker and Ascension Activator. I will be leading a global meditation on 12:12, as we work with AA Metatron and activate our Resurrection into becoming divine humans.
Lovingly, Meg