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Shift in Power

Sep 12, 2022 | 0 comments

Since the intense Lionsgate activations in early August there has been a perceivable shift occurring in the global power systems. I sense it in the field, like a background wobble, as we experience the shift from one operating system to another. The world is evolving away from the dominant hierarchy system into a more inclusive circular mode of operation. The Lionsgate blast is still rippling through the planetary field.
During these vibrational shifts, I tend to bump into things, lose my balance, drop items, become generally clumsy. This alerts me to adjust my energy to the incoming shift and ground in the new energies. Earthy Virgo supports this grounding process required after such an intense up-level into higher dimensional consciousness. Make sure to spend time connecting to nature if you can, including your grounding practice in daily ritual.
There is a rebalancing happening as you shift into the next level of your Soul embodiment. The upcoming Libra Equinox on September 22/23 (depending on time zone) provides the essence of balanced scales, the equalizer of swirling energies. As you drop away the old earthly history of Patriarchy, you set yourself free to live, love and create in the sacred union and balance of yin-yang energy. You become a balanced vessel of Soul life force.
There are massive changes occurring on the global scale, creating an opening, a crack in the magnetic field for quantum consciousness to awaken and enlighten. The global shift in operating systems initiates a new Renaissance as we ascend out of the fallen dark ages.
The feminine essence is leading the spiritual Renaissance. It is the feminine qualities that provide the substance required to liberate yourself from the lockdown of Patriarchal control. It is not supplanting Patriarchy with Matriarchy. It is not replacing one control hierarchy for the previous hierarchy. The feminine energies allow in an entirely new option.
When you can surrender into the fluid feminine pool and soften the edges, melt the rigid control, open the senses, feel the pulse of life…you enter the quantum field of consciousness. The feminine energy provides the way. Join me in the Libra Balancing Equinox Gateway for timely activations as we shift into quantum living.
Lovingly, Meg


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