We are reaching peak intensity as the galactic plasma waves surge towards the Total Solar Eclipse this Tuesday, July 2nd at 10° Cancer. Eclipses act like wormholes in time, opening new opportunities we could never access before. With two eclipses just 14 days apart in July, it offers an energetic breakthrough…like a pressure-relief valve.
As the veils are dropping, all is being revealed to public view. Witnessing shadow in action is uniting humanity in compassion. The eclipses provide the stimulus to review and reset our future timeline. We are being guided to heal, clear and activate everything required in time for the grand Ascension Wave arriving with the Pluto-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn on January 12th, 2020.
With the onset of the sun’s Solar Minimum cycle, we are experiencing less sunspots and more plasma waves affecting the energetic electron flux to vary. As the magnetic density continues to thin, the incoming gamma rays increase energy frequencies and unlock stuck unconsciousness. The end result is a quickening and awakening of higher consciousness on the planet. The series of eclipses on the Cancer-Capricorn axis is shaking the very foundation of modern society to its very core.
Set your intentions and visions with heart-felt passion to ignite Gaia’s Ascension timeline. The Solar Eclipse on Tuesday offers a reset point for everyone to accelerate their energy frequency into the higher dimensional timeline. Remember who you are and why you are here! We are the Ascension Team…let’s optimize the Solar Eclipse energies to propel us into a loving, harmonious world.
Join Manette and myself with Earth Keepers, Gridworkers and Star Beings all around the world on July 2nd as we travel to the Galactic Center on the day of the Total Solar Eclipse, the source force of all creation in the universe. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, register here: https://newearthcentral.com/?p=209662
Lovingly, Meg Benedicte