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Solstice Zero Point Portal

Jun 19, 2021 | 0 comments

The Solstice occurs on Monday, June 21st, forming a powerful vector momentum spiraling towards the galactic center. We are hurtling through space towards a historical reckoning of the Old Earth Timeline. The Solstice gateway opens when the sun ‘stands still’ between light and dark. It is a day of zero point energy, the stillness between day and night, between our past and our future.

The Solstice forms a direct pathway to the galactic center at 26° Sagittarius – the hinge point between matter and virtual matter. It is the universal portal of transformative alchemy. As we ascend into zero point, all discordant frequencies erode, cancelled by phase interference. What no longer harmonizes with universal ONEness and unity consciousness is dissolving. We are approaching a tipping point in human consciousness, as we spiral higher and higher. In this sacred space we are birthing alive a new world paradigm in the New Earth Timeline.

As the veils thin and the systems falter, we can influence the future outcome. We are witnessing a heart-swelling movement of common compassion and empathy for ourselves and others. No longer fixated on personal acquisition or individual differences, our world can unite and jump-start a new paradigm.

2021 is such a monumental year, as Gaia adjusts to the New Earth Timeline. The massive upgrades this year are leading toward Soul embodiment and multi-dimensional living. Just as a symphony reaches a crescendo, your human energy is rising in frequency towards Soul unification. As you surge higher, you experience an opening sensation of freedom, lightness, clarity and liberation! The lower, denser constraints in the body, heart, mind dissolve and release, unleashing more of your deeper potential and creative spirit.

You are a ‘consciousness leader’! Not only are you spreading LOVE throughout the collective, you are transforming Gaia from an ego controlled planet into the Heart Chakra of the Milky Way. This is why you are here! Heal your heart, attain inner balance and radiate LOVE everywhere.

Join other Light Bearers, Gridworkers, and Star Beings from all around the world for the Solstice Gateway Global Activations on Monday, June 21 at 12:00pm Pacific Time. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, register here:

Lovingly, Meg



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