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Turbo-Charged Eclipses

Apr 26, 2023 | 0 comments

We are currently traveling through the Eclipse Corridor, the power-filled two weeks between a Solar and Lunar Eclipse. Last week’s Aries Solar Eclipse upgrades are still integrating and shifting in the collective field. The time between two Eclipses pulse with potential growth, sudden insights and quantum fluctuations. The turbo-charged Eclipse energies culminate in the Wesak Lunar Eclipse at 14°52’ Scorpio on May 5. These are fertile days for new beginnings and sudden shifts in energy.

Mercury is still retrograde in Taurus opposite the Scorpio Eclipse, while Pluto at 0° Aquarius forms a tight square with Scorpio Eclipse and South Node. You may feel a push-pull force tugging you in two directions, forward or backwards. Take advantage of the Eclipse energies to shed the layers of the past, setting you free to move forward. As we peel away the layers of human psyche and ego identity, we emerge as the embodied Soul.

Step into the Lunar Eclipse Gateway! Join other Light Beings and visiting Starseeds and travel to your Soul’s original Homestar and connect with your unique home starlight. Register here:

Lovingly, Meg


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