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Wesak Lunar Eclipse-Pleiadean Gateway

May 11, 2022 | 0 comments

We are in for a treat, as the 2nd eclipse of the season arrives late Sunday/early Monday. The spectacular Blood Moon Eclipse get its name from the reddish hue the full moon becomes while the lunar eclipse occurs.

The stunning Blood Moon Eclipse occurring on May 15/16 will be one of the longest total lunar eclipses visible on western US in this century, lasting 84 minutes. We’ve been having rain and snow the past few weeks here in the PNW, so I’m praying for clear skies the evening of 15th. The eclipse will reach peak totality at 9:11pm PT/ 12:11am ET, and morning hours in Europe. Read eclipse details:

Eclipses are times of transformation and fated change, being in Scorpio, you may feel an intensity in the field. It is a time to pay attention to your dreams, visions, unexpected shifts and openings. The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse thins the veils, revealing what is hidden in the subconscious. It is a time for re-evaluation and assessment of what no longer works and new solutions. When LIGHT is alive and activated in the holographic mind, your visualizations are projected into the quantum field, carrying the light with them. It is a powerful cosmic gateway to influence the field with our global intentions.

The eclipse is also occurring on the Wesak Moon, also called Buddha Moon. The first Full Moon in Taurus is the annual celebration of the Festival of Buddha, known as the Wesak. Wesak is important because it marks three key events in Lord Gautama Buddha’s life – his birthday, the enlightenment and his achievement of Nirvana. The Wesak Full Moon Eclipse reminds us to honor our spiritual lives and look at what we need to let go, so we can become more compassionate and awakened. Mars and Neptune are also in alignment with the Blood Moon Eclipse, inspiring us to focus on our spiritual wellbeing.

And let’s not forget we are entering the bi-annual Pleiadean Lineup. While the Sun transits the galactic 25, 26, 27 degrees of Taurus or Scorpio, we are in astronomical alignment with the Pleiades. It is a time to connect with our Pleiadean neighbors, who are assisting the earthly ascension. We will join our galactic family during the sacred Wesak Lunar Eclipse and set our intentions for the New Earth.

Calling all New Earth Wayshowers, Master Alchemists and Star Beings from all around the world to gather on Monday, May 16 for the Lunar Eclipse-Pleiadean Gateway Activations. Let’s join AA Metatron in the alchemical zero point field of all creation.  Register Here:

Lovingly, Meg


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